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Mapwerk started life as a simple method of calculating quarter/quarter/quarter-sections on topo maps. It was called 'QuarterSection'. Naturally, as with all programming projects, "wouldn't it be nice if..." was said a lot during development and now I have a full-blown mapping application that sees regular use in a professional setting.

It is extremely suitable for compiling scale imagery from multiple sources and making really nice figures suitable for professional documents.

Mapwerk can be used to import and visualize XYZ total station data, digitize scale drawings, map along a baseline, freeform sketch to scale, stitch together multiple scale drawings, measure distance/area/perimeter, and plenty more.

Intuitive and powerful selection and transformation tools allow granular control of individual vertices spanning multiple layers.

Mapwerk offers a refined interface, built from the ground up with a fresh perspective. A new approach to radial menus brings many often-used controls within mouse reach and greatly declutters the UI.

Details and full feature list can be found on the Mapwerk website.

Classic Mac OS
Some of my older programming projects for late-90s era Macs (Mac OS 9 and earlier). Most of these were components of a much larger planned project that will probably end up on a more modern system.
Bones Scripting Language
I wrote a scripting language and an interpreter to drive adventure-style games. It works really well for managing interactive dialogue which can influence in-game events so it's a great fit for text adventures.

Below is a screen grab from the reference manual showing a sample of the syntax. Onscreen text is displayed using double-quotes. Behind-the-scenes coding used a rudimentary assembly-like syntax which supported variables and allowed mathematical operations, bit-shifting, boolean operations, branching, random number generation, string/number conversion, and a messaging system to communicate with the host application.

Script Reader
Script Reader interprets and executes Bones script files. An included script file demonstrates many common uses for the language from a simple coin toss to an interactive text adventure proof-of-concept. Other scripts demonstrate NPC conversation, animation, random name generation, bit shifting, local branch looping, printing reserved characters, user text input, boolean operations, animated text, and more.
This was a program to handle movie-like animations. It basically displayed a series of images where each image was assigned a delay value that told the program how long the image was to remain onscreen. It was designed for short animations and supported sound.

Demonstration GIFs forthcoming!

Sprite Club
Whereas 'Animator' handled movie-like animations, Sprite Club takes care of character animations. Each character file had its own string of images to represent up, down, left, and right "walking" animations. By dragging and dropping the character file into the program (and thus being part of the "club"), the walking animation could be tested. Fittingly, the application icon was a bar of soap.

Demonstration GIFs forthcoming!

Monitoring System
I designed and implemented a security system that notifies the owner directly via email or text during an intrusion. The system features two motion detectors, one door switch sensor, a 12-digit keypad, LED indicator, customizable alarm sounds, and multiple user passcodes. No third party monitoring required.

The system utilizes C-style Ardiuno code as well as Python scripting to handle alarm events.

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